Sunday, September 25, 2022

What WEEE Have Done

What is E-Waste?

    Electronic waste or e-waste refers to all the components of abandoned electronic devices that are no longer used, too old or not functioning anymore. They are frequently referred to as WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) in Europe. Due to the rampant development of technologies, it is considered to be the fastest growing waste in the world.

Current E-Waste Data

    As of 2022, the amount of generated e-waste globally is 59.4 million metric tons, and it is anticipated to rise by 15.30 in 2030 according from the data of The Roundup. It is primarily produced by Asian nations, particularly China, which is the world's largest producer of electronic products. Data shows that less than 20% of it was recycled with the remainder ending up in landfills of developing nations (Ruiz, n.d.).

Harmful Effects 

    According to Marsh (2019), the harmful effects of e-waste are exposure to hazardous chemical substances, disruption of human growth and development, and pollution. Living organisms, especially landfill workers, are exposed to hazardous and carcinogenic components of electronic devices. These toxic substances emit greenhouse gases. E-waste also contaminated land and aquatic resources which is a risk in food and water supply. It has a significant impact on the environment and overall health of a person particularly by unborn children. One leads to other, more serious issues like climate change and flood as experienced by Ghana.

What Should We Do?

    The Philippines has already taken steps in managing e-waste as amended in Republic Act 6969 or the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act. Manufacturers are also aware of this as part of their corporate social responsibility. They create programs like the Samsung efforts in recycling traded devices however these are not enough to totally address the problem because we must all take a good part in it. 

    We can start with choosing sustainable electronic products. Buy when really needed and always prefer the eco-friendly one. When the device has minor damages, try to ask professional assistance to repair it. If it's no longer working, you can recycle it but if you can't, then sell or donate it to someone who can do the recycling rather than dumping it elsewhere. If you don't have any choice but to dispose of it, then do it properly. And lastly, I'd like to briefly review the five Rs of waste management as a friendly reminder. WEEE should be refused, reduced, reused, repurposed, and recycled.  

    Take full responsibility with your e-waste and let us extend help and join the International E-Waste Day on October 14 as organized by WEEE Forum!


Cho, R. (August 27, 2018). What Can We Do About the Growing E-waste Problem? Retrieved from

Marsh, J. (October 9, 2021). The Harmful Effects of E-Waste to Humans. Retrieved from

Ruiz, A. (n.d.). Latest Global E-Waste Statistics And What They Tell Us. Retrieved from

The Roundup (n.d.). Total Annual Global E-waste Generation(Infographic). Retrieved from

WEEE Forum (2022). IEWD (Banner). Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

WhenIMet.Com (When I Met That Computer)

    In primary school, I just saw computers as tools for playing games. My eldest sibling, who enjoys video games, had this influence on me. Since they provide young minds with virtual enjoyment, computer businesses are well known in that era, and I am not an exception in having the interest towards it.

    I recall being around with my brother in computer shops. There are times when we were allowed to watch the evening program in our town, but he spent it in front of a desktop, and I’m there being amaze on him playing LOL (League of Legends). Before we return home, we will first make sure to learn what is happening in the town’s plaza and inform this on our parents in order to prevent being caught by them.

    It was repeated numerous times which made me develop my fond on gaming. I have this impression that when our aunt gave us our first family laptop, we spent most of our time playing Plants vs. Zombies in order to defeat the ultimate villain Dr. Zomboss. I really enjoy those childhood days singing along to its music video,"There's a zombie on your lawn."

    I admit that my understanding of computers was restricted to personal laptops and desktops wherein having it is a desire shared by all young people. However, as time went on, I discovered how to appreciate its significance, particularly in academic works. From a desire, it evolves into a need for a better education and a way of life. With that, the majority of individuals today own one or two of it, signaling the successful integration of computers into human civilization. And it is absolutely true as Alsop (2022) stated that there is a constant increase in computer usage among share household worldwide, coming from 27.3% in 2005 to 47.1% in 2019.

    Well, as for me, I have my smartphone to satisfy all of my curiosities with this modern computers and technologies.


Alsop, T. (July 27, 2022). Computer penetration rate among households worldwide 2005-2019. Statista. Retrieved from

Huseynov, H. (May 18, 2019).  6 Mistakes to Avoid Before Opening Internet Gaming Cafe [Picture]. Retrieve from 

Sunday, September 18, 2022


Dear Com.,

You aren't new to me!

I had encountered you several times before. Like a common stone, I didn't put a lot of effort in knowing you because I'm busy looking for those deceitful diamonds.

And now, we're formally met. You change the way I perceive you. While reading, and watching your talks about your background and characteristics, your value shines and it upholds the most significant thing in these modern days. 

I'll admit that at first, I was hesitant to set you up for the fear that I may mess up. I'm nervous because I got traumatized by your electric touch, but it's addictive in the sense that you carry out amazing tasks at my request. You have collected a great deal of data from my meager inputs and processed it to give me the outputs I require. Oh, how efficient are you for that!

Since my curiosity has been aroused, no one can stop me from embracing you even more. I hope that once we move through this initial phase of our relationship, everything will go easily between us. Because I believe that you'll play a huge role in my life and so, let's get along with each other.

Nice meeting you, Computer!

Truly yours,

Cool MeTal05


Full Title: Let Us Meet That Computer!