Sunday, September 18, 2022


Dear Com.,

You aren't new to me!

I had encountered you several times before. Like a common stone, I didn't put a lot of effort in knowing you because I'm busy looking for those deceitful diamonds.

And now, we're formally met. You change the way I perceive you. While reading, and watching your talks about your background and characteristics, your value shines and it upholds the most significant thing in these modern days. 

I'll admit that at first, I was hesitant to set you up for the fear that I may mess up. I'm nervous because I got traumatized by your electric touch, but it's addictive in the sense that you carry out amazing tasks at my request. You have collected a great deal of data from my meager inputs and processed it to give me the outputs I require. Oh, how efficient are you for that!

Since my curiosity has been aroused, no one can stop me from embracing you even more. I hope that once we move through this initial phase of our relationship, everything will go easily between us. Because I believe that you'll play a huge role in my life and so, let's get along with each other.

Nice meeting you, Computer!

Truly yours,

Cool MeTal05


Full Title: Let Us Meet That Computer!

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