Monday, December 12, 2022

A Semester with BA 183.1 (Introduction to Information Technology)

An infographic for the synthesis of the course learnings and experiences. Thank you for the educationđź’š!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Ellipsis.apk: If I Develop A Program

    Developing a system takes a lot of courage and hard work to do. With the help of modern technology, it becomes relatively easy for simple production, however it still requires exceptional efforts, technical skills and phases. Some take days and months or even a year or more, depending on the quality it upholds. The more complex the processes involved, the more significant and fulfilling the results are.

    Aided by this video, I'd like to give it a try on making a game application. To be more feasible on my part, I want to develop a word game someday. A tricky word completion game that can be enjoyed by all walks of life. The possible title would be Ellipsis.  Lately, I've been thinking about what symbol or sign will best serve my values and aspirations. After knowing numerous meanings and features of ellipsis like giving the options and fitting in any dimensions, I feel that it's the one for me. Moreover, as playing mobile games helps me cope with my everyday worries, I would like to make one which I can share with others. Hopefully, I can positively influence them to be entertained, challenged and feel energized while accepting their limitations. 

    Pulse College (n.d.) stated that game development is highly in demand in today's world, especially that the information technology is continuously growing at a fast rate. It is much better to have profound knowledge in this field. Preferably, a person must know how to properly code, program and design. Understanding C++ and other common computer languages is also a good qualification. Meanwhile, one can still develop his own game without knowing these and it make us, newbies, fell relieve. To be honest, I find some suggestions and free software on the internet, but I've never tried any of it. Maybe next time, I can try them when I'm motivated, passionate and ready to make one at my most available time. As Steve Jobs once said, " The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”


Pulse College. (n.d.). What is game development? Everything you need to know. Retrieved from

TeXplaiNIT. (2022, May 7). What is Development? App, Web, and Game Dev Explained, including IDE, Coding, Design, HTML and more! YouTube. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 19, 2022

I'll be a DBA in the world of IT People


    Information technology is very influential to human civilization. In any aspect of contemporary life, IT is involved. As Tim O'Reilly quotes, “what new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.” Technology is the outcome of our demands that opens a lot of career paths. IT transforms traditional work into a much more comfortable but highly skilled job rather than restricting human capabilities. And so, with IT vast offerings, let me think of mine if ever I pursue it.

    I believe that the suitable IT career for me would be a database administrator (DBA), specifically being an information system manager. DBA is an IT profession that involves software to store and organize the data to ensure that it's available to users and secure confidential information from unauthorized persons (Black Heights, 2021). Most database managers or administrators build and maintain databases to meet the needs of the organization, which is a close comparison to my current college management course.

    DBA has established a name as it ranks 7th in the Best Technology Jobs and 38th in 100 Best Jobs (U.S. News & World Report, n.d.). Aside from it and the good salary, I envision myself enjoying its roles and responsibilities like the leadership to oversee the information. I think I'll be more on maintaining and upgrading the data systems rather than making new application or software. According to (2022), DBAs must possess a variety of abilities, as well as fundamental structured query language knowledge and software vendor certifications. Given that it is standardized, it's quite reasonable to have a lot of hard skills. The fact that I currently possess some soft skills, which were minimum requirements, also makes DBA a better career choice for me. 

    On the other hand, the complexity and stress of securing confidential data are the main issue for this job especially that scams are prevalent nowadays. In business, good information is a competitive advantage and is essential for a company's success. However, one single mistake would be very crucial, and I like this challenge. Knowing that if I chose to study Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, which I passed an admission to at a nearby university, it would be very likely that I would really end up being a database administrator. 


Black Heights. (2021, August 21). How to become a database administrator and earn 6 figures | Management Information Systems. YouTube. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from (2022, October 25). Database Administrator. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from,database%20administration%20or%20information%20technology.

U.S. News & World Report. (n.d.). Database administrator overview. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from

Sunday, November 13, 2022

My First Vlogging Experience

    In the Philippines, vlogging is one of the most popular trends for content creators, especially with the younger generation. Vlogging is just like what I'm doing here in the blog, but it is more on a video format. Mostly, people find it a good way to earn by publishing their vlogs in a social media platform and have as many views as it can. However, some purely wants to just share something to the public and the former is just an additional benefit for them.

    With here, I would like to invite you to watch my first vlog entitled, A Trip to Remember: Vlogging with ... Joy. This is about how we get to the neighboring town, Tubungan to celebrate the birthdays of my relatives (grandparents and a cousin). It also shows our visit to the tomb of my grandfather. Mainly, I like the way we travel by foot because we had a good conversation and created new experience together.

    I hope you'll enjoy it as I enjoy that experience with my partner-in-crime which is also my sister. It is very new to me, and I must say that the craft is not well-polished, but I value it the most. I'll always remember that day as part of my happy memories in reading break. Additionally, I want to emphasize the word "Joy" in the title. It has a double meaning. First is the name of my companion which I would like to give a credit and also my general feeling with the said experience. Lastly, this vlog will serve as my evidence that every time I spent a day or two with my family, it is all worth it.

CoolMeTal. (2022, November 14). A Trip to Remember: Vlogging with ... Joy. YouTube. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 1, 2022

e-Learning Experiences with Digital Applications

     With the onslaught of pandemic, students struggle to be educated in the new setup. Thanks to digital tools and applications for making a bridge to fill the learning gaps.

     Here are my top 3 useful apps for e-learning.

Google Drive

     This app is the right platform to store all instructional files as it offers extra storage space in a convenient and simple way. It has a strong support that it only needs you to drag and drop as it automatically syncs your documents to the cloud. According to Romaniuk (2018), Google Drive is one of the most important apps for university students.


     Canva is commonly used to create visuals. It trains the users to be "design-thinkers" which builds room for both learning and teaching. Students can produce portfolios, presentations, videos, charts and graphs, and collaborate with others in group projects.

WPS Office

     One of the most widely used apps for both professionals and students is Word Processing System (WPS) Office. It includes essential components for creating spreadsheets, presentations, and papers. Learners may work efficiently and effortlessly with their instructors and classmates, complete tasks whenever and wherever they like, and save the file in a WPS Cloud. Although the majority of its unique features are only available to premium users, its standard features are already enough.

Challenges faced by Filipino Students in e-Learning

     Even with the aid of these programs, students continued to face difficulties. According to Barrot, Llenares, and del Rosario (2021), the pandemic had a compounding negative impact on students' online learning experiences. Distractions at home, lack of resources to finish the courses, and challenges with study plans and learning environments are their biggest problems. According to Higley (2014), other difficulties for students include lack of motivation, poor course designs, and the digital divide, which is the difference between those who have access to digital tools and expertise and those who do not.

     Solutions are divided into the roles of both instructor and student. It needs constant collaboration and open communication between them to solve existing learning gaps. Teachers must understand the situation to create a course design suited to any kind of learner while the latter will do its part by giving enough time to study (time management), ask questions for clarification, seek additional information, reflect with lessons and interact with other learners as well. In the end, it really takes two to tango!


Asian Featured. (October 25, 2020). Tech challenges of online schooling in the Philippines during the pandemic. Retrieved from

Barrot, J.S., Llenares, I.I. & del Rosario, L.S. (2021). Students’ online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines. Educ Inf Technol 26, 7321–7338. Retrieved from

Canva (n.d.). Why Canva is the Best Learning Tool for Education. Retrieved from

Higley, M. (March 14, 2014). e-Learning: Challenges and Solutions. Retrieved from

Romaniuk, S. (April 14, 2018). 25 Important Apps And Digital Learning Tools For University Students. Retrieved from

WPS Academy. (n.d.) WPS Office for students. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 25, 2022

What WEEE Have Done

What is E-Waste?

    Electronic waste or e-waste refers to all the components of abandoned electronic devices that are no longer used, too old or not functioning anymore. They are frequently referred to as WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) in Europe. Due to the rampant development of technologies, it is considered to be the fastest growing waste in the world.

Current E-Waste Data

    As of 2022, the amount of generated e-waste globally is 59.4 million metric tons, and it is anticipated to rise by 15.30 in 2030 according from the data of The Roundup. It is primarily produced by Asian nations, particularly China, which is the world's largest producer of electronic products. Data shows that less than 20% of it was recycled with the remainder ending up in landfills of developing nations (Ruiz, n.d.).

Harmful Effects 

    According to Marsh (2019), the harmful effects of e-waste are exposure to hazardous chemical substances, disruption of human growth and development, and pollution. Living organisms, especially landfill workers, are exposed to hazardous and carcinogenic components of electronic devices. These toxic substances emit greenhouse gases. E-waste also contaminated land and aquatic resources which is a risk in food and water supply. It has a significant impact on the environment and overall health of a person particularly by unborn children. One leads to other, more serious issues like climate change and flood as experienced by Ghana.

What Should We Do?

    The Philippines has already taken steps in managing e-waste as amended in Republic Act 6969 or the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act. Manufacturers are also aware of this as part of their corporate social responsibility. They create programs like the Samsung efforts in recycling traded devices however these are not enough to totally address the problem because we must all take a good part in it. 

    We can start with choosing sustainable electronic products. Buy when really needed and always prefer the eco-friendly one. When the device has minor damages, try to ask professional assistance to repair it. If it's no longer working, you can recycle it but if you can't, then sell or donate it to someone who can do the recycling rather than dumping it elsewhere. If you don't have any choice but to dispose of it, then do it properly. And lastly, I'd like to briefly review the five Rs of waste management as a friendly reminder. WEEE should be refused, reduced, reused, repurposed, and recycled.  

    Take full responsibility with your e-waste and let us extend help and join the International E-Waste Day on October 14 as organized by WEEE Forum!


Cho, R. (August 27, 2018). What Can We Do About the Growing E-waste Problem? Retrieved from

Marsh, J. (October 9, 2021). The Harmful Effects of E-Waste to Humans. Retrieved from

Ruiz, A. (n.d.). Latest Global E-Waste Statistics And What They Tell Us. Retrieved from

The Roundup (n.d.). Total Annual Global E-waste Generation(Infographic). Retrieved from

WEEE Forum (2022). IEWD (Banner). Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

WhenIMet.Com (When I Met That Computer)

    In primary school, I just saw computers as tools for playing games. My eldest sibling, who enjoys video games, had this influence on me. Since they provide young minds with virtual enjoyment, computer businesses are well known in that era, and I am not an exception in having the interest towards it.

    I recall being around with my brother in computer shops. There are times when we were allowed to watch the evening program in our town, but he spent it in front of a desktop, and I’m there being amaze on him playing LOL (League of Legends). Before we return home, we will first make sure to learn what is happening in the town’s plaza and inform this on our parents in order to prevent being caught by them.

    It was repeated numerous times which made me develop my fond on gaming. I have this impression that when our aunt gave us our first family laptop, we spent most of our time playing Plants vs. Zombies in order to defeat the ultimate villain Dr. Zomboss. I really enjoy those childhood days singing along to its music video,"There's a zombie on your lawn."

    I admit that my understanding of computers was restricted to personal laptops and desktops wherein having it is a desire shared by all young people. However, as time went on, I discovered how to appreciate its significance, particularly in academic works. From a desire, it evolves into a need for a better education and a way of life. With that, the majority of individuals today own one or two of it, signaling the successful integration of computers into human civilization. And it is absolutely true as Alsop (2022) stated that there is a constant increase in computer usage among share household worldwide, coming from 27.3% in 2005 to 47.1% in 2019.

    Well, as for me, I have my smartphone to satisfy all of my curiosities with this modern computers and technologies.


Alsop, T. (July 27, 2022). Computer penetration rate among households worldwide 2005-2019. Statista. Retrieved from

Huseynov, H. (May 18, 2019).  6 Mistakes to Avoid Before Opening Internet Gaming Cafe [Picture]. Retrieve from 

Sunday, September 18, 2022


Dear Com.,

You aren't new to me!

I had encountered you several times before. Like a common stone, I didn't put a lot of effort in knowing you because I'm busy looking for those deceitful diamonds.

And now, we're formally met. You change the way I perceive you. While reading, and watching your talks about your background and characteristics, your value shines and it upholds the most significant thing in these modern days. 

I'll admit that at first, I was hesitant to set you up for the fear that I may mess up. I'm nervous because I got traumatized by your electric touch, but it's addictive in the sense that you carry out amazing tasks at my request. You have collected a great deal of data from my meager inputs and processed it to give me the outputs I require. Oh, how efficient are you for that!

Since my curiosity has been aroused, no one can stop me from embracing you even more. I hope that once we move through this initial phase of our relationship, everything will go easily between us. Because I believe that you'll play a huge role in my life and so, let's get along with each other.

Nice meeting you, Computer!

Truly yours,

Cool MeTal05


Full Title: Let Us Meet That Computer!